Saturday, November 27, 2004

Just as a reminder to myself, I'm posting today to cement the idea that we do not need to "do things" when on stage - just let it happen. This includes vocally, in some respects. I do not need to force a bigger sound to my ears - just let the sound float on the breath, and everything will work out. When I push, I get small, so forget about being heard. Let my voice be my voice. Be unique. (Go - rah, rah! You can do this). My weekend is being taken up with cleaning and focusing on the technical exercises Patrice gave me at my last lesson. (which was faboo!). Don't be afraid to take your technical exercises and overlay them over whatever music you are working on. It really helps to do that - and not just keep singing the same thing over and over again.

Quick Artist's Way Update:

I'm taking time to declutter lately, which is making me feel better. I forget where in TAW Ms. Cameron talks about decluttering as a sign of artistic growth. A shedding of the skin, so to speak.

Exercising is going well. I do miss my daily walks outside, but it's getting too cold for me. I did pick up a Walk Away the Pounds Tape. I'm hoping that that and a few other exercise DVDs will get me through the winter. My favorite so far is the Windsor Pilates series, as I feel very energized afterwards - not sluggish and definitely not too tight to sing, although I am following the advice of another singer I respect who does yoga afterwards.

Writing isn't going so well right now, due to all the decluttering, I guess. At least the urge is there. I can keep working with it.

Artist's Dates: Nothing this week, unless you count getting up to the rehearsal site early and practicing in peace and quiet. Not exactly what an AD is supposed to be, but I'm feeling energized. T-day kind of took over the whole week, which is fine. It was good to see my sister again and spend time with her.

Goals for the week:

1. Amahl and the Night Visitors

2. Solos for church

3. Keep decluttering

4. TAW exercises

5. Keep working through Boundaries.

6. Exercise program

7. Good food and suppliments

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Well, two auditions and two callbacks in two days. Not too bad! An audition for La Commedia's spring production of Music Man in Springboro, OH got me two callbacks - a dance callback and a reading callback. The initial 16 bars went pretty well - it felt like the voice was sailing. The director/choreographer is a fun guy with tons of energy, and everyone was really nice. Fabulous piano player too! Sight read through my 16 bars like it was a walk in the park, and followed me beautifully as well.

I also managed to get into Ohio Light's auditions down the hall. I was planning to go out to Wooster to audition - just so I could see the place - but my rehearsals for Amahl conflict with those dates. It would have been a tight fit, and I was thinking of not doing them at all, but perhaps God is intervening. I hope I get to work with both groups. I love Music Man, and Ohio Light does mostly operetta, which I love, and a musical - this year, it's Man of LaMancha - one of my favorites. The big one that peaked my curiosity, however, was that they were doing Sorcerer, which I just got through singing for Syracuse. It would be great to do that again!

Well, of to Amahl rehearsal. I'm going up early to drill some of these intervals into my head. These recits are tough! I have, however, found out how much I really appreciate Menotti's writing. Everything is set up so intelligently, and the emotions are all right there in the music. (Reminds me of my first thoughts on hearing Otello, Act I, Scene 1! Interesting correlation!)

Oh - I just realized that I never posted on Impresario. More later, but it was a total fun. Rose and I even got to pitch Halloween candy at each other at the end of the trio - trying not to hit Todd, Ben, Juan. Everyone involved up there is so good to me.

Now I'm off to rehearsal!