Saturday, November 24, 2007

The tree lighting last night in Syracuse was beautiful. For whatever reason, the tree looked better than last year - maybe it was due to the snow (yay!). Saw Enchanted afterwards - loved it. If you go, check for the spoofs all the way through, including some not listed in I was on the floor, and want to go through the cast list for even the smaller roles to see who has a Disney cartoon credit. It's a definite keeper for the DVD collection!

Onward to two weeks of outreach work - both Pigs and Telephone, but first, the talent competition. It's always a treat to judge for David Blight. We're treated really well and work with some great people. I'm also grateful for some concert work in the month of December as well.

I'm learning a lot in the coachings with the new MD for Syracuse (Douglas Kinney Frost) It's like being back at Rising Star again. He's suggested some arias that have begun to crop up from others as well, so I've pulled them out and begun working on a couple. It'll be interesting to see where the journey goes from here.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Red Scarf Project 2007: Scarf Pattern Links

Am gradually getting addicted to Ravelry. Here's another interesting crochet blog to note. I admire all these people who come up with their own patterns. I have to remind myself that I am a crochet baby compared to many - maybe my own creations (other than ones done with a single stitch) will be in the future.

Red Scarf Project 2007: Scarf Pattern Links
Ok, Ravelry, where were you when I needed you? 6 K sized hooks are far too many for one person to own, no matter how many projects they've got on the fire. Seriously - if you like to knit and crochet, hop on over to Ravelry and check things out. It's a social network for the hook and needle crowd. It motivated me to clean up my yarn stash, implement collection and books so I can truly be ready for the holiday rush. And I actually think I have spare yarn with which to make a few presents! Using what one has on hand is always a good thing.... decluttering...... a novel concept!

The creativity odyssey is slowly progressing, albeit slowly. That's ok. It's about the journey anyways. Have slowly been making inroads on the health issues, too, via SparkPeople, Setting Captives Free, and - of course, the help and inspiration of family and friends.

First coaching with the new music director of Syracuse Opera - Douglas Kinney Frost. Am taking in Regnava for starters. Also have Musetta, Pamina, Marie (La fille). I'd love to understudy Norina in February, but we'll have to see what happens.